| 5 komentar ]
Why yes if there are 2 options together, always confused to choose which one.

As I experienced this confusion to select the gadget blog chat to where?
the shoutmix or Cbox??

Because the chat is very important gadget for a blog hence I had to put it in your blog.
Why is it important?
because normally a blogger's best friend if blogwalking not forget to leave trail to our blog so yes the easiest alternative to chat like this gadget.

a loss for too long, it was a blogger friend who came to my house. I just wonder with him. Which is best between the Cbox or shoutmix.

Approximately 10 minutes, and it was a very happy end. After hearing the conversation my friend said, he suggested to use because it is said he Cbox more unique than the shoutmix.

yes already.
no longer thought to directly list Cbox,
and install this widget to my blog.
Do not forget to fill out a sentence in the Cbox ya!!

5 komentar

mas doyok said... @ October 17, 2009 at 2:30 PM

saya lebih memilih shoutmix mas
saya rasa lebih enak dan jarang trouble
soal basic juga lebih mantap

Dendendi said... @ October 17, 2009 at 2:35 PM

@mas Doyok

terima kasih komentnya.
denger" dari info lain shoutmix daftar susah.

akhatam said... @ October 18, 2009 at 2:11 PM

oke sob infonya...

jaya said... @ October 18, 2009 at 5:47 PM

Good article sob... lanjutkan tutor nya. visit me blog n comment

d'sixTein said... @ October 18, 2009 at 11:00 PM

if the content written in english, you must write all of the words in your blog with english too. That's one of any ways to get many visitors from another countries. Caring is good, yeah :)

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