Weave writing into an article may be a hobby for you. Or you even have a lot of work with the title and talk a lot through writing it, may be about cooking, fishing, or your diary.
Triond, a media share that will pay you. could be articles, videos, pictures you send via this medium. Triond[dot]com working system is to place their ads between your work. then you will be paid from the impression that your page. average for 1000 traffic you will get $ 1.3
In addition to also pay triond impression share or comment of your writing, links, polls.
Payment can be through:
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therefore I created the article directly here for a blogger friend who wants to increase revenue by filling the free time to create articles and receive money from Triond.
If you are interested please register yourself for free on http://triond.com
hopefully useful!
and success always ...
6 komentar
Good Post.
Thanks for Sharing.
Please Keep Spirit (PKS)
oh now my traffic is less, Nubie
yups, another good articles heheheh
wah blh jg tuh bang
thanks infonya
Thanks for the info bro.. i'll try it!
klo pke b.ing agak g mdeng!!tapi sip lah
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